
30 June 2022


Key Milestone : BioMAdvanced Diagnostics enters an agreement with Nantes’ University Hospital to analyze anonymized clinical data from 300 kidney transplant data.

BioMAdvanced Diagnostics and the CHU de Nantes (Nantes’ Universty Hospital) are pleased to announce the signature of an agreement that enables the Hospital to grant the company samples and clinical data from a continuous prospective multicentric international cohort of 300 kidney transplant patients followed by the university hospitals of Barcelona (Spain), Oslo (Norway) and Nantes (France). Patient recruitment will start in the second half of 2022 and the start of data analysis is planned for mid-2023.

This is a major step in the company’s development plan which, thanks to this agreement, is ideally placed to confirm its timeline for the development of its kidney transplant subclinical rejection test.

This agreement is also a new opportunity for the Nantes University Hospital to demonstrate its commitment to the innovative companies that have emerged from it. BioMAdvanced Diagnostics would therefore like to thank the CHU de Nantes for its support.